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2024 AGM 26th January 20:00

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February 17th 2024

Celebrate Valentines night with the Midnight Rebels Band absolutely excellent live music group.

see Don or Mark for tickets, only £6 a head


July 27th 2024

SDMCC 80th Anniversary

All day event celebrating our 80th anniversary since being founded by the 12th Home Guard Recce Platoon in January 1944.

Live Music by Something Else. Bike Show, BBQ. All welcome Evening party & Disco for club members








Dave Pragnell 2019

February 24th 2019

One of Southampton & Districts "Open" events, this one held at Hut Hill by kind permission of Waltham Chase Trials club. This trial will not be a Southern Centre championship round but will follow the new championship format of 3 laps of 15 sections with 4 routes to cater for everybody from Novice to Expert.

Results by section here

Provisional overall results here


Jack White trial 2018

The Jack White trial was held at Bryces Farm, Sherfield English on 28th October 2018 on a day that started cool, had a five minute squall then brightened up considerably.

It was round of ACU Southern Centre Youth, Adult & George Allen Pre 65 championships. 47 Adults & 1 Youth rider signed on. We only had 6 DNF. 13 sections had been laid out but a lack of observers meant that we abandoned section 4 before the meeting started.

Andy Withers has posted a review of the trial & pictures on TMX. I'll see if I can find a link.

 Spikes' Victory snack bar was in attendance providing his usual good quality food & drink. Our trial raised £150 last year for Muscular Dystrophy UK, we beat that sum this year by raising £250.

Results here

Lap by Lap scores here


Dave Pragnell trial 2018

The annual Dave Pragnell trial was held at Hut Hill, SO53 3YJ on 18th Februay 2018. It was a round of the ACU Southern Centre Star & George Allan Pre 65* championships.

47 riders signed on & all bar 2 finished a different format of 13 sections ridden 3 times. A full report will be written by Andy Withers of AWSportphoto who should have some photos of the event.

Many thanks to Waltham Chase for the use of the land, The observers & officials, the riders & Spikes Victory Snack Bar for keeping us fed & watered. 

S&DMCC raised £270 for Muscular Dystrophy at this trial

Results here               Lap by Lap scores here


Jack White 2017

This was a round of the ACU Southern Centre Solo* & Clubman + George Allan Pre '65 + Youth A,B,C championships. Brian Francis beat Kevin Nolan by a narrow margin in the Expert class, Colin Allsop triumphed over Stephen Bryant & Simon Rye in the Intermediate class & David Radford won the Novice class. Provisional results should be on a link below.

The sections were laid out by Pre '65 riders in the midst of Storm Brian & the aftermath of Hurricane Ophelia with the result being a gorgeous autumnal day under a blue sky & sunshine. Spikes' ""Victory " snack bar provided excellent refreshments & sustenance to the masses.

SDMCC would like to thank all the people who gave their time & effort to enable this trial to take place; especially Mr. Jewell the landowner.

Running this trial has allowed SDMCC to donate £150 to Muscular Dystrophy, a very worthy charity.

 Provisional results

Results section by section


Dave Pragnell 2017

Dave Pragnell 2017 trial  was held in a small weather window between Doris & a nasty cold, wet front that arrived as we were packing up. 34 riders signed on for this round of the Southern Centre championship & scored between an outstanding 4 marks lost & a heroic 136. Well done all of you.

Brian Francis beat Neal Hubbard for the Expert class, Steve Berryman won the Intermediate class, Max Seaman continued his winning ways in Youth "B" whilst George Greenland demonstrated that there's life in the old dog yet.

S&DMCC would like to thank all the officials, Observers & people who made this trial happen. A thank you also to Waltham Chase trials club,, for allowing us to use the land.

As a result of everybodys contibution S&DMCC have been able to donate £190 to Muscular Dystrophy. Well done all of you.

Provisional results

Results by section


Jack White 2016

The Jack White 2016 trial was held at Bryces Farm as usual as a round of the ACU Southern Centre Championship. The weather was very kind to us & we had a glorious autumn day for the riders to play on the 10 sections. There was perhaps too much grip so the sections were tightened up at the lunch break but the riders refused to be defeated & several kept their low-scoring habit intact.

Brian Francis beat Ben Skinner by 12 to 13 in the expert category while Mark Owen won the intermediate class. Geoff Herbert won the Pre-65 contest whilst Max Seaman beat his brother Patrick & Jack Woonton in the Youth ‘B’ category.

It’s a shame that there weren’t more riders to enjoy the efforts of the course setters & other officials but this is what may be expected when other local clubs move onto dates that have been committed to all year.

SDMCC raised  £125 for Muscular Dystropy at this trial

Provisional Results

Results by section


Dave Pragnell 2016

The second round of the ACU Southern Centre - Solo Star, Youth A & B & George Allan Pre-65 Championship Trial was held at Hut Hill, Chandlers Ford, on 14th February 2016. The weekend started cold & wet but as the sections were set out, the rain became lighter & Sunday was forecast to be less dreich.

The trial was actually held in dry & occasionally sunny conditions. Unfortunately there were only 15 riders to enjoy the sections which had been set out by Pre-65 riders to be challenging but cleanable.

Ben Skinner took an emphatic win in the Expert class, only dropping 1 point over the course of the day. Geoff Herbert hustled his Ariel 500 round to beat Neil Clarke by 61 to 103 while Kevin Hart made a welcome visit to the eastern end of the Southern centre & took a convincing Over 40 class win with 5 points dropped, beating Graham King, Tim Owen & Simon Rye.

David Sherlock, Patrick Seaman & brother Max were sole entries in Twin Shock, Youth A & Youth B respectively.

 I would like to thank Waltham Chase MCC for the use of the land and the observers, officials & riders for turning up & enjoying a bright sunny day of motorcycle sport, we could not do it without all of you.

Simon  Bond

Provisional Results

Section by Section


Jack White 2015

The Jack White trial 2015, held October 25th, was held in deepest Hampshire on a glorious day with a blue sky & a golden sun shining through the trees in their autumnal finery. The weather pixies were very generous on the Saturday whilst setting out the sections holding the torrential rain back until we were packing up & during the trial itself provided an exemplar for an indian summer day.

The trial was a round of the ACU Southern centre Solo Star & the George Allan Pre ‘65 championship.Ben Skinner won the Expert class with a very good score of 10 marks lost, his nearest rival, Brian Francis losing 19. Reynard Norris was outstanding in the intermediate class, staying clean all day. The twin Shock class was won by Simon Rye & Richard Miles was best in the Pre-65 class riding a Bantam. The Novice class was won by Anthony Knott who also had a clear round.             Tig Hartwell might have thought he was in with a shout having a score of 1 mark lost but it was not to be. 

On behalf of Southampton & District MCC, the organising club, I’d like to thank the land-owner & all the observers who made it possible to run the trial & the riders for making the effort worthwhile.

Southampton & District MCC have donated £150 to Muscular Dystrophy as a result of holding the Jack White 2015 trial.

Provisional Results

Section by Section


Dave Pragnell 2015

The Dave Pragnell trial was held at Hut Hill by Southampton & District MCC on 22nd February.

The trial was a round of the Southern Centre Solo*, Youth A/B* & the George Allan Pre-65* championships. Unfortunately, the date clashed with the Telford classic show, after the show organisers changed their date. This may have contributed to the low turnout of 33 entries, mostly Novices & Intermediates. Rob Howard won the Expert class, Geoff Herbert won the Pre-65 class & both Twin Shock riders failed to complete the trial. The Intermediate class was narrowly won by Reynard Norris on 6 points from Mark Elms on 7 points lost! The day started with a beautiful blue sky & bright sunshine burnt the frost off quite quickly but the overnight rain had kept the sections very tricky & treacherous. The "Old Guard" of Dick, Dave, Keith & temporary member Steve Earle laid out some excellent sections which were enjoyed by the majority of the riders & observers.

I'd like to thank Waltham Chase for allowing us the use of the land, Sams Catering for providing hot food & drinks & everyone who helped to observe or officiate on the day.

SDMCC have donated £110 to Muscular Dystrophy as a result of the  Dave Pragnell 2015 trial.

Simon Bond

Provisional Results

Section by section

Jack White 2014

The Jack White trial, held by Southampton & District MCC at Sherfield English, Hampshire was a round of the ACU Southern centre Solo Star & George Allan Pre 65 series championship & was enjoyed by all.

The riders had a good time with interesting sections set out by Dick Ramplee, Keith Mitchell, Dave Freemantle & Geoff Herbert. I’d better also mention the gratefully received assistance provided by Martin Hare & Steve Shergold in giving some semblance of order to the riders.

The sections proved to be ride-able for the Pre 65 bikes whilst also taking marks off the modern bikes which is a fine balancing act. The trial was held under non-stop rules with Brian Francis on his new bike winning the expert class from a determined Matt Sleep. George Greenland won the Pre 65 by beating Karen Clarke by a single point & Mark Owen demonstrated his ability in the intermediate class by winning a closely fought contest with Alan Ranger, Simon Rye & Mark Shipp with scores of 7 to 16 points between them. Kevin Miller just beat Tim Owen in the Over 40 class & Adam Hardy managed to fend off John Long in the Twin Shocks.

Lewis Ranger decided the normal B route sections did not provide sufficient challenge, so upgraded to Expert & threw himself at somewhat scarier sections. All the observers were kept entertained by the riding & thoroughly enjoyed the day plus the Clerk of the course had a quiet day, so a success all round. As an added bonus the Muscular Dystrophy charity has benefited by £160.

I would like to thank Mr M Jewell, the owner of the land, all the riders, observers & officials who helped to make this a very enjoyable day, it would not have happened without the efforts of all of them.

Simon Bond

Provisional results

Section by section

70th Anniversary Open Day with Murray Walker

The Open Day to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of S&DMCC went extremely well.     

Over 170 people attended, with many past members enjoying a chat and scouring over old photographs to see who they could remember.   The BBQ went down well, and the weather stayed dry which was great.  

At 3 p.m we were honoured to have Murray Walker OBE, The Club’s Patron, officially re-launch S&DMCC in its new premises.  

Murray said he had looked up the meaning of ‘Patron’ and it means protector and benefactor.   He recalled  this would be  S&DMCC’s 6th Headquarters since 1944 and remembered that Club members had built  the previous Clubhouse in  Woodside Avenue themselves..  

He said his father, Graham Walker, had been a Vice President of S&DMCC and Murray had always associated the Club with Thruxton.   He related a couple of stories about times he was commentating for the BBC alongside his father and one was very amusing – In 1959 they were commentating on the 500 mile race at Thruxton organised by S&DMCC – Graham Walker was dealing with 1st position and Murray with second.   Back in those days there was no technology so Murray was walking around with a 30lb. pack of full radio equipment on his back.   The race lasted 7 ½ hours,  of which he spent most of the time  dashing up and down the pit lane - all on the day before he was due to fly off to commentate on the 24 hr Le Man Car Race in Paris.

Referring back to the Club he commented on all the Road and Track Meeting S&DMCC had organised and the Club’s Motorcycle Training Scheme, Flying Start, which deserved a lot of credit.   He also referred to his last visit to the Club when he launched the Southern branch of SERV (volunteer blood couriers).

He thanked everybody for coming and said it was great to be amongst bikers again – his first love is motorcycling.

The Open Day concluded with a social evening for members and invited guests.   There was a live band and much dancing and merrymaking and the night culminated with the Club’s current President cutting the huge anniversary cake

Dave Pragnell Trial 2014

Once upon a time, this event was known as the "Mixed Bag" but was re-named in honour of our long serving chairman Dave Pragnell. The 2014 event was very fortunate in the laying out & the trial itself. The formula of having Pre-65 riders lay the sections out for Pre-65 bikes seemed to be universally liked. Admittedly the leading Intermediate class riders didn't have too many problems but the Expert & Pre-65 riders lost a reasonable amount of points.

Ben Skinner won the Expert class, closely followed by Brian Francis only 3 points behind. The Pre-65 class was won by Ian Guy, beating Geoff Herbert by a single point! Reynard Norris beat Mark Owen by the same margin in the Intermediate class & Adrian Steele won the Over 40 class with a single point lost.

SDMCC raised  £140 for Muscular Dystropy at this trial

Simon Bond

Provisional Results

Section by Section

Jack White Trial 2013

Well, thank heaven for that!
The wind crack'd it's cheeks but there was only a light "spritz" of rain just before the end - which hurried-up the riders to a remarkable degree. The sections dried out during the day but retained enough "slippiness" to make the riders concentrate.
I've done the results & (subject to protests) Ben Skinner took the Expert class with 20 marks lost, mostly on Penny Page's & Zena Ramplees' sections.

Simon Bond

Provisional Results

Section by Section

Our New Home

At last we have moved to our new home at The Cranbury Centre, Eastleigh. After many false starts and delays, we are finally open for business as from 4th October. A big thank you to all the club members who have spent many hours painting, plumbing, building, sawing, cleaning and moving furniture. We are all looking forward to a fresh start and many years of comaraderie at our bright new clubhouse.

Poker Run a Winner

The recent Poker Run was a resounding success, despite the inclement weather. Several bikes set off in two separate groups, and visited 4 locations, picking a card at each stop off point and completing their poker hand on their return to the clubhouse. The winner was Lynne Humphrey with three of a kind, and the wooden spoon for the lowest scoring hand going to Jacky Kenward. Thanks go to Matt Meehan and his team of helpers for all their hard work organising the day.

A total of £451 was raised for our club charity, Naomi House.

Naomi House Report

The Cranbury Centre

After searching for a new home for a number of years, the club has finally taken on the running of The Cranbury Centre. Friday club nights will soon be held at the new clubhouse, once vital refurbishment has been completed. We will also be managing the centre on behalf of Eastleigh Borough Council, as it is a popular venue for local organisations and clubs.

Before we can move in lock stock and barrel, there are many tasks that need to be done - decorating, gardening and refitting for example, so any offers of help from club members and friends will be greatly appreciated.

These are exciting times for our club and we are looking forward to celebratng our 70th anniversary in our new premises in 2014!

Dave Barton (Honda Dave) 21/4/47 - 21/5/13

We were all deeply saddened to lose long standing club member Honda Dave on 21st May. Dave got his well-deserved nickname through his extensive knowledge of all things Honda motorcycles. He could be found most club nights sitting in his favourite corner, chatting enthusiastically about his bikes and his family. He was always cheerful and friendly, and despite the ill health that he suffered in recent years, he still managed to come to the club as often as he could.

The following tribute, written by his son Trevor, sums up the man we will all miss:

"My Dad was a character. Top memories for me will be that he sometimes woke us up just before sunrise and took us out to watch the sun come up in the New Forest, spotting the deer and taking it all in. He wondered why the world was in such a rush and if he could take a scenic route to get somewhere (either driving and riding, or sometimes in the way he spoke!) then he would take it. 

He could talk for England, but he had great stories to tell and a sense of humour to go with it. 

He did a lot for various bike clubs, and registered classic bikes for people with the DVLA. He also did charity runs and more recently volunteered for a hospital radio.

He never really got over the loss of his wife, but his persistence meant that he was often not overcome by things many others would have been. 

I was proud to get to know him better in adult life. The family will miss him sorely of course, and we know bikers up and down this land, and other countries, will do too. "


 Report on the Dave Pragnell Trial, Hut Hill, Chandlers Ford

 24th February 2013

This was a round of the ACU Southern Centre Solo* & Clubman championship & George Allan Pre ’65 series.

There was an entry of 37 riders, spread across 6 classes & scores ranging from 1 to 136 marks lost, with all the riders saying that they had enjoyed the event.

This must reflect the care that Dave Freemantle, Dick Ramplee & Geoff Herbert took in laying out sections that were suitable for Non-Stop Pre ’65 bikes & riders, and riders on modern bikes as well.

The observers did an excellent job on a day that was quite cold with occasional slight snow flurries, but the riders all warmed up quite nicely.

Brian Francis took the Experts award on 23 marks lost & Reynard Norris won the Intermediate class on 3 marks lost.

Matt Sleep took the Twin Shock with 1 mark, Ian Guy was the best Pre ’65 losing 22 marks & Mike Smallshaw was best Over 40 rider on 12 marks.

Matt Elkins won the Novice class with a score of 48

Simon Bond

Trials Secretary

Dave Pragnall 2013 Results Sheet

Brian Boden

Sadly I have to report the death of Brian Boden on 30th November 2012.

As well as a tireless officer for our club, Brian was also my good friend for many, many years sharing numerous adventures together. 
We spent many years riding our local green lanes/trails and also visiting many parts of the country in our trail riding expeditions, we went to motorcycle shows and sporting events together and attended public enquires and council meetings, an effort to keep our green lanes open to the public.

Later Brian became heavily involved in trials riding, riding in many trials in Hampshire and neighbouring counties, and together with Edna they did more than their bit in the running of trials events.

The last time I spoke to Brian was on the phone just a short time ago, we recalled the great times we had together and our motorcycling adventures.
Our thoughts go out to Edna and family, Brian I will miss you.

Pete Wildsmith

President: Pete Wildsmith
Vice Presidents: Edna Boden and
Tony Kenward



Serv Hampshire
